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To browse Academia. In this performance autoethnography, I turn to my embodied experiences to question neoliberalism, encourage resistance, and foster hope. Despite neoliberal propaganda, society does exist. As a person who grew up in a collectivist society and welfare state model—where public education and health care were unquestionable rights—, I know that we, human beings, are not condemned to fiercely compete against each other.
There are alternatives to the neoliberal order. In a political-economic-ideological context dominated by profound despair, I turn to my body, to my memories of noncommodified public spheres, solidarity, and social responsibility. I aim to use my embodied experiences to co-visualize with you a livable alternative for Earth and its inhabitants and avoid a neoliberal apocalypse.
Lyndon Shakespeare. The particular vision of human, bodily life that has been adopted and developed in the neoliberal era since the s is turning humans into a new kind of creature.
The concern of this paper is to demonstrate how this framework is theologically unsound and has a destabilizing effect on what constitutes human nature as a particular embodied existence. Attending to the rationale and theological response to the neoliberal logics, this paper seeks to promote a vision of human life and activity that is ordered and oriented to human flourishing and provide examples of resistance to the person-forming capacity of neoliberal social formations.