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Select "Full text" to search only the scanned or transcribed text for items. Not all items have full text. Wmte Fans of Onion Harvest Pygmy Goat Association 'Thinks Small' Sweet on Vidalias Vidalia onion season is here and Aside from tasting the onion, Pygmy goats may be considered the phones have already started which at times may be almost as the smallest of the goat breeds, but ringing at the Department of Agri- hot or at times hotter than a regu- interest in this good-natured rumi- culture, with exchanges like this lar onion, one safeguard which as- nant is far from small.
In response one, commonplace: "I want to buy sures buyers that it is a Vidalia to the growing popularity of Pyg- some onions from this guy who is onion they're purchasing, is the mies, the Georgia selling them and he says they're requirement by law that Vidalia Pygmy Goat As- Vidalia onions and I want to know onion growers label their product sociation GPGA if they really are Vidalia onions.
I with information meant to assure was recently es- mean, how can you tell? Originating in lAfrica, Pygmy [goats were uti"lized as a meat source on early expeditions. The breed was introduced to this country with a herd of 13 animals in the Our guest columnist this week is O.
Genetically small and compact, a mature Pygmy measures inches high at the withers. By nature, the animals are browsers, but Pygmies also offer versatile characteristics. According to the National Pygmy Goat Association, not only are the goats alert and animated, they also can be used for meat and milk production, and are suitable for research purposes. Because of their size, combined with the fact they are neat and clean animals, Pygmies especially appeal to backyard farmers.