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Go back. Overview Organisations People Publications Outcomes. Abstract Funding details. This publication has been reviewed in the Guardian and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, demonstrating its reach way beyond the academic audience.
We will use this influential resource to add publicly accessible maps on gender, noun classifiers and verbal classifiers see 2e in the Technical Appendix. Given the interest created among the general public by the WALS enterprise, this is likely to generate a public response. This will provide up-to-date information for the public both on the threatened cultures and the endangered languages of Melanesia. We will employ a startup company connected to the University of Surrey which has experience of online exhibitions with features which appeal to the broader public details are given in 2d in the Technical Appendix.
These representatives will write stories about the different cultural artefacts in the Digital Mian Collection in Mian, Tok Pisin, and English. This community engagement will naturally require some monetary remuneration detailed in the budget , as community members will have to dedicate their time to this activity. In solving a problem we classify and divide it into its component parts. Our senses are assaulted by so many different stimuli during every second of our lives that our minds would not be able to cope, if they were not able to classify the incoming stimuli into relevant information and distracting noise.
If we want to communicate any of this input, we classify by transforming it into the classes and categories available in the language we use for communication. One important task of linguistics is to investigate the process of categorization involved in communication. The lectures will address the role of categorization and its integral part in our life as social and communicating beings.