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Declining crops yield in the smallholder farmers cropping systems of sub-Saharan African SSA present the need to develop more sustainable production systems.
Field experiments to evaluate effect of phosphorus P fertilizers, organic and integration of legumes in sorghum cropping systems on soil, available nitrogen N and P, were conducted in Busia County of Kenya during the short SRS and long rain seasons LRS of and LRS of respectively.
The experiments comprised either soybean, common bean groundnut or sesame grown with sorghum. The design was a split plot in a randomized complete block design. Main plots were fertilizer inputs; Mavuno, FYM or their combination. Subplots comprised of the legume intercrops mentioned above. Application of Mavuno, FYM or their combination resulted in significantly higher legume, sesame crop yields above the control in the second season. Legume crops due to their N-fixation, litter fall and mineralization made availability of P and N.
Application of Mavuno, FYM or their combination gave comparable results with respect to the intercrop yields. Page s : Date of Publication: 25 July DOI : On farm evaluation of yield and economic benefits of short term maize legume intercropping systems under conservation Agriculture in Malawi.