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Indie colonial-masa penjajahan hindia Belanda the earliest Indonesian record rekaman piring hitam had found by dr Iwan were BK Record,look the picture below.
Lokananta the national recording company of Indonesia and Hidup Baru. In contrast to the s and s, many studios today are no longer owned solely by producers , the Indonesia record before lokanata, produced by Irama Resords and made in India studio processing above , like MCG record by dutch Leow cooperations. The Christian Songs, and aslo the special album were made by lokanata record for the present to the Bandung asia Africa conference in More type still in reasrech. The Indonesia edition Rolling stones Magazine, in had publish special edition about Indonesian Best music and singers and from the table I had arragane a table beetween look below :.
Majallah Rolling stones Indonesia telah menerbitkan edisi khusus ke 32 Desember 15o album musik dan penyayi Indonesia terbaik , daftra ini disususn olehkontributor Majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia, yaitu Denny MR wartawan senior , Denny Sakrie pengamat musik senior dan kolektor musik , David Tarigan pendiri Aksara Records , kolektor musik dan Theodore KS pengamat musik senior.