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B - Bingham, Hiram. A Gilbertese-English Dictionary. O - Sabatier, Ernest. Gilbertese-English Dictionary. G - Goo, Fannie C. UH - Haw. Marine Lab. L - Luomala, Katharine. Ethnobotany of the Gilbert Islands. Bishop Museum Bulletin , v, pp, map, bibl , index, 26cm. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. I a ba roko I arrived just now. I aki nako ba I tabe : I am not going because I am busy.
Abudefduf septemfasciatus. Chromis caeruleus bamaii. Dascyllus trimaculatus. Acanthocybium solanderi scombridae. Acanthurus guttatus ll. Ctenochaetus sp. Acanthurus guttatus. Ranzania laevis milidae. Lutjanus monostigmus. Arum cordifolium. Acanthurus triostegus ll. Acanthurus triostegus.
Sirius; Babaniman meang : star. Babaniman Maiaki : another star. Galeocerdo cuvieri. Acts Nei Babatu : the woman who made the first mat. Lutianus monostigmus. Babel ENG. Ginglymostoma orectolobidae. I aki bae iai : I am not bound. I kabaeai iroum : I want to borrow from you. Neothunnus macropterus ll. Neothunnus macropterus Scombridae. Bai ni man. Bai ni man maiaki, Bai ni man meang. Tem Baibai : a ladle.
Bothus mancus ll. Bothus pantherinus ll. Samariscus sp. Bible ENG. Bible , Holy Scripture. Neothunnus macropterus scombridae. Nei Tebaibure or Baiburebure ; a constellation of five stars in V shape, part of Pegasus Charcharhinus melanopterus. Cypselurus suttoni ll. Cypselurus suttoni exocoetidae.