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Jump to main content or area navigation. Contact Us ReefLink Database. Echinoderms are radially symmetrical marine invertebrates, such as starfish and sea urchins. Cmap Citations Management Options Laws. CMap CMap Description Echinoderms, such as sea urchins and sea stars, fulfill several functions on a coral reef.
Sea urchins graze macroalgae and render a critical supporting service in maintaining the reef habitat. A few echinoderm species are important as aquarium stock, and all species are important to cultural services of coral reefs.
Disease-causing microorganisms have decimated the sea urchin population and altered the precarious balance between echinoderm herbivores and habitat. Biological monitoring, mapping, and restoration is needed to identify changes in the abundance and condition of echinoderms; and ultimately, determine the appropriate responses to maintain the continued supply of ecosystem services and ensure the benefits to human health and well-being.
Sedimentological evidence for bottom-water oxygenation during deposition of the Natih-B Member intrashelf-basinal sediments: Upper Cretaceous carbonate source rock, Natih Formation, North Sultanate of Oman. GeoArabia Journal of Marine Biology Occurrence of palytoxin-group toxins in seafood and future strategies to complement the present state of the art.