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To browse Academia. Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad. Hiep Si. However, both present-day experience and historical records reveal that people and goods have always moved across boundaries. Ideas and material goods, rather than being the exclusive monopoly of one region or nation, have generally been the objects of exchange, competition, and rivalry.
Our proposed theme questions the fixed political boundaries of nations and states, and encourages scholars to reconsider borders as in progress and Asia as in motion. By thinking beyond borders and boundaries we enhance our understanding of how the concept of " Asia " was shaped in the past and how it is now reshaping the world. Panels are welcomed from scholars throughout the field of Asian studies, wherever they may be based academically, and are especially encouraged from scholars representing academic communities that are relatively underrepresented in international meetings.
One of the goals of this AAS-in-ASIA conference is to foster lines of dialogue and scholarly communication that cross the ordinary often nation-specific boundaries of academic networks. Please note: The program committee will strongly favor and give preference to proposals that include participants from two or more countries, whether the panel focuses on a single nation or culture or focuses on some comparative dimension.
The program discourages panel proposals from a group of scholars coming from the same institution. Generally speaking, panels with diverse gender, academic rank, national origin, disciplinary approach participation will be favored over narrowly constructed panels. Panels that address topics of broad relevance will also be preferred. Patricio Abinales. Oscar Salemink. Richard J Smith. Despite the ASEAN countries still maintain the state-led regionalism principle, but various changes that took place in this region has risen a various issues that push the emergence of new actors such as seen in the emergence of transnational advocacy netwoks.