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Apabila ada yang melihat kasus seperti ini di lingkungan kediamannya ,harap dapat membantu saya dengan mengirimkan foto pasien tersebut dengan riwayat singaktnya. Saya harap tulisan ini dapat menambaH wawasan pembaca,sekaligus mencegah kelainan menjadi anomali yang sangat parah seperti yang dilaporkan oleh sejawat dari Amerika Serikat.
If anyone sees a case like this in his home environment, I hope to help by submitting photos of patients with a short history. I hope this article can menambas insightful readers, and prevent the disorder becomes severe anomalies as reported by colleagues from the United States. Neurofibromatosis commonly abbreviated NF ; neurofibromatosis type 1 is also known as von Recklinghausen disease is a genetically-inherited disorder in which the nerve tissue grows tumors i.
The disorder affects all neural crest cells Schwann cells , melanocytes and endoneurial fibroblasts. The tumors may cause bumps under the skin, colored spots, skeletal problems, pressure on spinal nerve roots , and other neurological problems. Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant disorder, which means only one copy of the affected gene is needed for the disorder to develop.
The severity in affected individuals can vary, this may be due to variable expressivity. Approximately half of cases are due to de novo mutations and no other affected family members are seen. It affects males and females equally. Plexiform neurofibroma on the neck of a patient; plexiform neurofibromas are a cause of morbidity in the affected individuals.