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To browse Academia. Marta Mirazon Lahr. Robert Foley. Paul Heggarty. Biolinguistics at the cutting edge: promises, achievements, and challenges. Chris Sinha. The turn of the century witnessed key developments in biological sciences with profound implications both for biological theory and for the sciences of language. This finding threw doubt on the plausibility of the claim that the human language capacity is a consequence of a species-unique, genetically determined neurobiological innovation.
Around the same time, it was shown that cultural variation is not unique to the human species; this was initially demonstrated with reference to chimpanzees, but it has since been shown that cultural variation and cultural transmission occurs in a variety of mammalian and avian species. These developments have led to an increasing acceptance of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis that goes beyond, and in some crucial respects contradicts, the Neo-Darwinian modern synthesis of the mid-twentieth century.
This recasting of evolutionary theory cannot fail to impact the foundations of biolinguistics. A 21st century biolinguistics needs to accommodate the new findings in biology, language sciences and related disciplines such as archaeology through the elaboration of a biocultural linguistics that is fundamentally interdisciplinary and is situated in contemporary accounts of both human evolution and linguistic diversity. This chapter will outline the main features of a biocultural science of language, and address the complex and dynamical relationship between what all human languages have in common, in what ways they display variation, and how language variation is and is not situated in differences between cultures and societies.
Ethan Cochrane. Recent work has shown that language and other human cultural practices can be considered as evolutionary systems operating on the Darwinian principle of 'descent with modification'.