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To browse Academia. The adapted model consists of seven steps: need analysis, develop preliminary for of product, expert validation, revision I, field testing, revision II, and final product. The result revealed that the instructional media developed obtains possitive comments from the students. Irman Suherman. Utilization of technology in education will produce good quality learning, up to date, make critical thinking, have conceptual thinking and easy to access various learning resources.
Articulate storyline application is an interactive multimedia application that can be used by teachers or students.
Based on observations found that teachers use media objects for learning in class, especially in force material, then based on the results of interviews with teachers, teachers more often use learning media types of objects, visuals and silently projected. The purpose of this study is to validate the articulate storyline as a learning medium on force material. The steps of this research development include initial research and information gathering, planning, developing initial product formats, initial trials and product revisions.
Data collected through Marwan Toni. This study aims to develop and test the effectiveness of the additional media with the aid of articulate storyline 3 on the concept of summation in the first grade of SDN II Linggasirna.