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To browse Academia. Alfionita Rizky Perdana. In this paper the writers would like to examine the characteristic behavior of Indonesia's voter in accordance to the stimulus of political party that shape people's voting behavior. The writers would like to point out the flaws in our current political partysystem that creating improper political behavior of the society such as golput abstain , choosing candidates based on generosity not based on merit.
The writers also find some problems on how the current political system sustaining this environment, such as the financing pattern of political parties, the mechanism in political party's regeneration, and the inability of parties to raise support if not using money politics. These problems are the obstacles in obtaining the sustainable democracy in Indonesia and likewise creating social unrest, distrust of society to the political party.
The existence of political party has important roles for a better country's domestic climate. Political party is a media for society in a country in using their political rights. Not only as a media for political rights, but also for delivering the people's aspiration. This also happens in Indonesia, political parties exist for people's political rights media and the facilitator for their aspirations.
The Indonesian's Regulations on Article 2 about Political Party has defined political party as a national organization and created by a group of Indonesians voluntarily and based on the willing and aspiration to struggle and defend.