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To browse Academia. Muhammad Mukhtar Aliyu. Reza Samar. Deri Sis Nanda. Zaimuariffudin Shukri Nordin , Mansoor Channa. Most of countries had a serious shortage of skilled experts in diverse fields including cognitive sciences, vernacular sciences, medicine, engineering, technology, applied sciences, social sciences and natural sciences. Reading comprehension as an issue noteworthy bit of four skills is a requirement for entry in the professions to enable novices to grasp the content of various subjects in these disciplines.
Despite that, learners' performance in reading comprehension is dazzling. This article highlights the high dissatisfaction rate of reading comprehension seeing in a certain setting. It proposes possible causes behind learners' poor performance based on the literature. The article brings a socio- social theory of learning focusing on the zone of proximal development and social cognitive as a possible solution in the progression of instructional practices.
It makes suggestions on what should be done to handle anticipated issues as proposed in the discussion. Open Access Publishing Group. In the last two decades, we have observed a clear and growing interest in the didactics and assessment of meaningful reading as an indication of linguistic sub-competence. Many scholars have considered it as a complex and multidimensional process because understanding was considered in a large percentage the reason for a student's success or failure and in many respects it constitutes the criterion for being considered a literate or educated person.
This study is focused on the problems of implementing the teaching of meaningful reading as a psychological phenomenon. If the scholars agree on the definition of meaningful reading, the ongoing instructional debate has to do with the finding of a kind of consensus on the realization of meaning in reading. It is difficult to achieve a full understanding of the meaning of the cognition and metacognition processes, due to their indeterminate nature.