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He seized and lost power in military coups. Parliamentary elections in January resulted in cohabitation between President Mahamane Ousmane and a parliament controlled by his opponents, led by Prime Minister Hama Amadou. On the second day of polling, he had the electoral commission dissolved and replaced it with another electoral commission; on the same day, he also had the four opposition candidates placed under house arrest, which lasted for two weeks.
He imposed conservative Islamist laws that included the banning of short skirts and a crackdown on the sale of contraceptives, while also introducing economic reforms and signing an agreement with the International Monetary Fund.
This led to strikes by teachers and civil servants over pay arrears and job losses and a near-mutiny by the army in February over unpaid salaries. The constitution adopted in a July referendum provides for an amnesty for participants in both the and coups. Ia menjabat sebagai Uskup Agung Santo Domingo dari sampai , dan diangkat menjadi kardinal pada Portal Artikel ini adalah bagian dari ProyekWiki Anime dan Manga, yang bertujuan untuk melengkapi dan mengembangkan artikel bertemakan anime dan manga di Wikipedia.
Artikel ini telah dinilai oleh ProyekWiki Anime dan Manga sebagai rintisan bertopik anime dan manga. Descrizione e stile L'opera era probabilmente destinata alla devozione privata. La Madonna e il Bambino benedicente si affacciano con illusionismo oltre una cornice…. The United States is Belize's principal trading partner and major source of investment funds. It is also home to the largest Belizean community outside Belize, estimated to be 70, strong.