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Select "Full text" to search only the scanned or transcribed text for items. Not all items have full text. What is the first thing you do when you try to put a puzzle together, or. Take a good look at the pieces and read the directions! From the time you enter the school as a Freshman until you leave as a graduating Senior, your education is one big puzzle.
What exactly are the pieces of this puzzle we Call Southwest? Some of them are obvious. We looked at the administrators, the faculty, the students. Those are the easy pieces. But what about all the other things and people who are around every day to help us with this puzzle? Many of them are behind the scenes, such as the custodians and lunchroom workers, Campus Police and maintenance workers. They may not have as visible a role as teachers and students, but they are necessary parts of a puzzle all the same.
We also believe that emotions are part of our puzzle. The pride we feel as our band marches onto the field, or our athletes enter the fields of competion, or our Academic and Math teams win a meet, or our Mock Trial team places in statewide competion is a vital part of the feeling we call Southwest Spirit.
There are those who say that Southwest just does not have the Spirit anymore. At Southwest there's always something going on. Beginning in September with the ordering of Caps and Gowns for Seni- ors and signing up for Drug Education classes, students moved into the ''93 school year. Senior spirit became obvious with breakfasts and new jerseys! Other programs soon followed. Some students worked in a little studytime as the first grading period approached all too quick-.