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The University, dating back to , has been served faithfully by the following thirteen presidents:. The Board of Trustees is composed of 45 regular members, one third of whom are elected annually for a three-year term.
Chase Jerome W. Herbert Jr. Sandhu Ronald M. Wylie A. Emeritus Trustees are those elected after serving three or more terms on the board or whose service terminated after 70 years of age. The first date indicates the year of first election to the board; the second indicates the year of election to life membership. Case Robert A. Elliott Cecilia Presley Barry Rodgers. The Board of Governors is composed of a maximum of 36 regular members. In addition, the president and the chief advancement officer of the University shall serve as ex-officio governors.
The members of the Board of Governors are elected for membership by the Board of Trustees. George Adams, Jr. Marta S. True David Wilson. Dean, The George L. Argyros College of Business and Economics, Crystle-Joie Agbayani , Instructor of Psychology; Yakir Aharonov , Professor of Theoretical Physics; Quaylan Allen , Associate Professor of Education; Daniel Alpay , Professor of Mathematics; Brian Alters , Professor of Education; Scott Anderson , Instructor of Accounting; Emad Arasteh , Assistant Professor of Engineering; Louis; Ph.