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In theaters near you. In favorite theaters. In theaters with online ticketing US only. Adult titles. Exclude Include. Amahl and the Night Visitors. One night in Judea, a disabled shepherd boy-turned-beggar and his mother are visited by three strangers.
They are the Three Kings, and they are on their way to Bethlehem to visit the Christ Child, who has just been born. Apollonian Story. Nissim Kahlon 67 made his home in a cave he dug, in a limestone cliff under Apollonia National Park, on the North of the Herzliya coast.
For years he lived in this cave, without electricity or running water. Today the 'home' that he built out of anything and everything - rocks, trash, sand - contains countless caves and tunnels, and Nissim insists on continuing to work on it every day. His work never ends. Nissim's son, Moshe 18 , who was born in the cave and will soon join the military, move in with him. Together they work to dig out the cave in which he will live. Through their hard work, a complex relationship between father and son is revealed.