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A United States citizen who has paid in to U. Social Security for at least 40 quarters may file for a Social Security pension. A spouse of a United States citizen who is collecting a Social Security pension may be eligible for a reduced Social Security pension even if they have not paid in 40 quarters. One may file for a pension from the age of Full retirement benefits are available between age 66 — 67, depending on your birthdate.
If you file later than age 62, your benefits are higher and they are automatically calculated by Social Security. You may also receive, in certain cases, from 6 months to a year of retroactivity for retirement claims. If you file for early retirement from age 62, your benefits are reduced. Until the full age of retirement, you cannot work more than 45 hours a month outside the U.
One must report foreign pensions whenever they are received. The failure to report a pension based on work not covered by Social Security constitutes fraud. Applying first for Social Security benefits does not relieve the recipient of this reporting obligation. Jerusalem Embassy which answers Social Security questions for all U. In all correspondence with the FBU, please include: your name, last four digits of your Social Security number, address in Israel, and a contact phone number.
Embassy in Jerusalem for this information. The information presented in this article was accurate at the time of publication. Changes in procedures and in the law may occur. Kitzvat Ezrach Vatik , the basic old-age pension monthly allowance, is NIS for an individual and NIS for a couple the pension for a couple is composed of a pension for an individual plus an increment for the spouse.