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To browse Academia. Abdullah Ekinci. Christopher Buck. The Muslim World As Jane McAuliffe has shown in her study published in an earlier volume of this journal, Muslim exegetes reflect uncertainty on this point from the very start.
Over time the term so diversified in meaning that it became even more difficult to determine to whom it referred. This association is all the more inviting when once again, in Q. This sense of parallelism would appear in Q.
Whatever the solution, these groups constitute a significant internal witness to the religious demography, so to speak, within the Qur'anic universe. To make sense of the demographic puzzle in which the Sabians figure as the least familiar piece, a fresh methodological "angle" is suggested by the inconclusive data obtained from the study of Muslim commentators.
Their indecisive witness is itself a problem which may need to be explained in other ways than simply as resulting from educated speculation. Complementary to McAuliffe's illustrative exegetical survey, the present study employs, therefore, an historical methodology which enables us to place history alongside tradition. Moreover, data gleaned from pre-Islamic sources will offer an independent witness, especially crucial for determining who the Qur'anic Sabians originally were.