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Our world appears to be infinite. The more scientists measure the universe, the more they realize it is immeasurable. The more they seek to describe it within boundaries, the more they realize it is boundless. The more they try to comprehend it, the more they realize it is incomprehensible. One day soon a rocket will be launched into space.
Part of its payload will be a telescope. And the more they will see, the less they will know. Paradoxical perhaps, but the new knowledge will raise more questions than it will answer. Knowledge has a way of doing that.
The truly important locale among the myriad of bodies that move unerringly through time and space is the planet Earth. It is here on the earth that God created the animal world — it is here on the earth that God fashioned man from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life, and man became a living soul — it is here on the earth that God gave man dominion and authority to rule as king — it is here on the earth that God chose to place His great name, display His nature and manifest His glory.
The angels of Heaven fix their gaze on this terrestrial ball because it is here on the earth, among fallen men, that God chose to work out His plan of redemption. If the earth is the important planet in our universe — and it is — then Israel is the important place on this planet.