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The article has been slightly shortened, and you will notice a few corrected words and place names in brackets. From the relative comfort of Philadelphia where she was born through the prison camps of Siberia and beyond, Sr. Today, Sr. Her nieces Sr.
As you read the article from over 70 years ago, keep in mind that Sr. Celine is but one of hundreds of thousands of others who faced the same or, too often, worse fate. Beata Rudzinska, the then secretary and councilor for the CSFN general administration in Rome, wrote about the dire conditions of those who were deported. She explains,. In that number, besides Poles and Jews, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other nationalities, there were more than six thousand priests and religious.
Local inhabitants of the Vilnius area were a part of the fourth and last deportation. Among them were 29 CSFNs…. From over 1 million deported only thousand crossed the southern border of the USSR, 20 of our Sisters included…. Hunger, sickness and hard work did not enclose the Sisters within their suffering. They were true missionaries among their fellow deportees and local people; they witnessed to God first of all by their prayer and community life.
Nobody ever prayed here, and now we pray together with you. Our wish for the contemporary generation of CSFNs ministering in distant Russia and Kazakhstan is that their evangelization efforts may bring bountiful fruit. A large number of those to whom our Sisters minister are descendants of the deportees, people from whom human dignity and faith in God was being taken away. The excerpt is reprinted with permission from Sr.