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Text and P hotos: Lydia Aisenberg. Slightly built and quietly spoken, 68 - year - old Daniel Danny Rahamim understandably finds it upsetting to talk about the horrific events that took place at Kibbutz Nachal Oz on Black Shabbat, October 7 , — but as the official spokesperson of the Nachal Oz community, he is daily having to meet with media representatives and address solidarity groups from Israel and abroad.
It combin ed military service in a combat unit with living and working in an agricultural community, usually close to one of Israel's borders. It was whilst serving in Nachal that Danny arrived at Nachal Oz as a soldier in He decided to stay after finishing his army service and it was where he su bsequently built his future home with British - born wife Siobhan 63 and where together they raised their three children and their grandchildren. A f ormer Londoner of Irish parentage, Siobhan — pronounced Shevaun — volunteered at Nachal Oz at a time when Danny , who worked for many years in the kibbutz poultry co o ps , was also responsible for the volunteers — and as they say, the rest is history!
Danny was born in Israel to parents who arrived in Israel from Baghdad, Iraq, in They l ived in a sprawling ma'abara tent and wooden hut en camp ment set up for new immigrants at that time , near the coastal town of Hadera where his father worked at the then large industrial plant of the Hadera paper mill. They lived in the ma'abara for nine years , having turned down offers to move to new areas being built at that time, such as Givat Olga.
It was because my father said he did not want us to live in an area that would only be inhabited by fellow Iraqi immigrants , and so we were among the last families to leave the camp , moving to a mixed part of Hadera where there were people from all over the world. T o this day I vividly remember just how many different languages were being used to call their kids home ," explains Danny with a wistful smile. Following the horrendous October 7 Hamas attack, w hen 15 of their community were brutally murdered and 5 taken as hostage s to Gaza, the over surviving, deeply traumatized adults and children of Nachal Oz were evacuated to their adoptee kibbutz in times of trouble, Mishmar HaEmek near Haifa.