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Philadelphia, PA. Language can be consciously eradicated or meander into extinction. Another instance took place in North America through residential schooling aimed at flattening indigenous cultures as well as through the World War I era quashing of German schooling. Often, though, a language simply fades away with the passing of generations, slow-walked into extinction by sociocultural and economic trends. In either scenario, localists should embrace and defend languages facing the threat of extinction, especially as one language vanishes every two weeks.
When a language perishes, we lose far more than a lexicon. Often around dinnertime, between grueling classes and late nights studying, they regaled me with tales from Ribatejo-region villages, conveying the rugged richness of rural Portuguese life without much material wealth. While the whole country contains only half the population of the New York City metropolitan area, Portugal is a veritable tapestry of regional specialties.
Recently, I discovered Terras de Portugal , an online encyclopedia providing detailed history for nearly every Portuguese locality. For my grandmother, Minde represented a multiple-miles-long daily walk, a flood of taxing work, and omnipresent markers of class stratification.
For the rest of Portugal though, the town was renowned for blankets and according to my grandparents a unique shade of blue fabric pigment. This sociolect, or a language particular to a social class or profession, was developed by local textile merchants in the 18 th century and persisted through the 20 th century when it began to decline.