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Get the RAIL in print. Kinship networks were strong and neighbors looked out for one another, helping in whatever ways they could. I lived five minutes away from my grandparents and got a high level of support from the entire extended family.
Miller thought her upbringing was typical. There, she routinely saw the Family Court dismantle families, placing children in congregate care facilities or foster homes. She also became increasingly serious about creating a holistic program for teen mothers and their kids. For 10 months, until the New York Foundation gave her a grant, Miller funded the project herself.
What has evolved is a program that teaches teen mothers their legal rights, and provides information about pregnancy, child-rearing, sexuality, and reproduction. BYMC also offers information about college, community activism, and organizing. Each week the group explored a different legal topic. People are subject to child welfare investigations when things go wrong, for example if they lose their housing or their lives are disrupted when a household member is arrested.
Jelysa Roberts, a 19 year-old Kingsborough Community College student and mother of a three-year-old son, met Miller as a P-School student. Now a part-time staff member at BYMC, Roberts leads a weekly parenting workshop for incarcerated teenaged girls.