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Achim Lichtenberger , Terrakotten aus Beit Nattif. Contextualizing the Sacred 7. Turnhout: Brepols XII and pages, two colour plates, photos of the catalogue items and 38 figures. Reviewed by Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom. This appeared in the series Contextualizing the Sacred, 7, published by Brepols. Situated to the southwest of Jerusalem at the fringe of the Judean Mountains Beit Nattif is identified with ancient Betholetepha, the headquarters of a Judean toparchy.
The bulk of finds represents waste from two cisterns at Beit Nattif, discovered in and excavated by Dimitri Baramki in The book comprises an introduction, fourteen chapters, concluding comments and an English summary.
The introduction addresses the two main hypotheses that were prevalent in the past and are still an aspect of current research on the Beit Nattif terracotta figurines.
First, the iconography of nude female figures, horse-riders, and animals is part of the visual koine in a pagan cultural setting. Second, additional archaeological evidence, in particular locally manufactured lamps, and historical and epigraphical sources appear to document the existence of Jewish communities living with the pagan population in the Beit Nattif area during the third and fourth centuries CE. Archaeologists and historians agree that until the Bar-Kokhba Revolt — CE the region was predominantly settled by Jews.