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Adult titles. Exclude Include. Onoda: 10, Nights in the Jungle. When Japan surrenders at the end of World War II, soldier Hiroo Onoda retreats into the jungles of the Philippines to continue the war himself for another 10, days. Under the guidance of a strict ex champion, a promising 15 year old girl trains as a professional skiing star. Will she be able to endure the physical and emotional pressures? Follows ten year-old Johnny who stands out in different aspects way beyond his age.
Things change when his new teacher sees his potential, believes in him and wants to open a new world to him. Paula lives with her father in Paris. She is bright and energetic, but school bores her and she only has one friend. Her father decides to take her to a beautiful house by a lake, but the experience becomes stifling. Yvan De Wiel, a private banker from Geneva, goes to Argentina in the midst of a dictatorship to replace his partner, the object of the most worrying rumours, who disappeared overnight.
When Samuel, a young orphan, is sent to live with foster parents, he is gradually forced to face the demons he's holding on to internally, as well as those that exist within his new family leading to a stunning and transcendent final act. A year-old Ukrainian gymnast exiled in Switzerland, who is working to secure a place at the country's National Sports Center. When the Euromaiden revolt breaks out in the country, anxieties rise as her family gets involved. Bloody Oranges.