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To browse Academia. The report presents the results of the study on the existing national legal frameworks of EHEA members in relation to opening their system to external quality assurance EQA by an EQAR-registered agency, the volume of cross-border QA activities and the experiences of higher educations institutions with a cross-border EQA review. They will be able to build upon the good practice existing in the analysed countries, learn from the results of the analysis on the rationale for internationalising quality assurance activities and use the conclusions drawn to inform their policy debates.
Kama Sutra is set in the 16th century precolonial India, Salaam Bombay in a postcolonial 20th century Indian slum in Bombay and The Namesake in a post capitalist world, where time shifts back and forth and the lives of two first-generation immigrants from Kolkata, India to the United States and their American born children Gogol and Sonia are depicted through the movie- it is based on the novel by the same name by Indian diasporic writer Jhumpa Lahiri.
Finally, I have attempted to explain how this diasporic discourse generated through the films is a result of how a diasporic film maker of Indian origin wishes to portray her own homeland to the Western audience, and whether certain anxieties in representations are ultimately resolved through her films or not. Submitted for chapter in book: In Orchiston, W.
Cham Switzerland , Springer. This paper proposes a new reconstruction of the socio-economic practices among the Kedah natives by using a cultural anthropology perspective on ethnoastronomy. This reconstruction attempts to link the local constellations to specific ecological adaptations, and from there, to certain economic lifestyles.