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I used to be dubious about the mystical writings of Mary of Agreda: I just didn't know if they were genuine. A Spanish mystic, Venerable Mary was born in and she entered a Franciscan convent when she was Then in her 20s, Mary received divine revelations about the precise details of the Virgin Mary's life. Venerable Mary of Agreda was like the Virgin Mary's personal biographer, and most notably she transcribed with her quill and ink onto parchment the intimate details of the Blessed Virgin's Immaculate Conception.
She wrote pages of the first volume in merely 20 days, and it is a sublimely rich text that sings with a note of authentic mysticism. Frankly, I doubt that she could have made that much up that fast. But that which prompted me to hold her work as truth was when I learned that Blessed Solanus Casey , the gentle friar forever associated with Detroit, held Venerable Mary in highest esteem and was utterly devoted to her writings, even when he was mildly persecuted - by Catholic church officials and his own friars - for promoting them.
Solanus read The Mystical City of God for the first time in , when he was a 54 year-old priest based in Detroit. Over the years that followed, Solanus highly recommended the volumes to his many followers who came to the friary to seek his enlightened advice. By the s, a subset from the sea of souls that sought out Solanus came together and formed an informal Mary of Agreda Society.
They met regularly to discuss the 4 volumes of Mystical City, but were not highbound by rules that other clergy tried to set out for them. One pastor commanded them to meet only when Solanus could attend their meetings, but they ignored this, and met when they wanted. The most zealous of the group was a man by the name of Ray Garland who proved too pushy for his own good. In time, complaints were made to the Detroit chancery about the overly-obsessive Agredans and also about Mystical City, that it was thousands of pages long and very expensive.