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Un songe? Une hallucination? Prima lista di cognomi ebrei italiani, stranieri, ashkenazi e sefardi. Presto seguiranno una seconda lista ed alcuni link molto utili. It is a good old Anglo-Saxon name, but the Madanskys are of Asiatic origin. Elmo Lincoln, a movie actor, comes into a Los Angeles court on the motion of his wife, and it is discovered that he is only Otto Linknhelt.
A large department store owner was born with the name Levy. He is now known as Lytton. It is quite possible he did not like Levy as a name; but why did he not change it for another Jewish name? A popular tenor star recently brough suit against his wife, who married him after allowing him to believe that she was of Spanish origin.
Later I found that she was Jewish and that her real name was Bergenstein. One of the biggest and best known stores in the United States goes under an honored Christian name, though every one of the owners is Jewish. The public still carries a mental picture of the good old merchant who established the store, which picture would speedily change if the public could get a glimpse of the real owners.
Take the name Belmont, for example, and trace its history. Prior to the nineteenth century the Jews resident in Germany did not use family names. In Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names. In Austria a list of surnames was assigned to the Jews, and if a Jew was unable to choose, the state chose for him. The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe.