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Our guest speaker, environmental activist Leticia Gutierrez, will talk about air quality regulation, or the lack thereof, and its effect on underserved communities at the August BAND meeting. The meeting will be on Tuesday, Aug. If the timing is compatible with our meeting, we plan to watch the roll call vote at our meeting as well. The BAND meeting begins with social time at p. NASA Pkwy. Haynes, U. The retired Army major and author of Lead, Love and Laugh , will discuss patriotism.
The meeting begins with social time at p. The Bay Area Community Center is unavailable for the meeting, because it is serving temporarily as a cooling and charging center. The documentary traces the recent history of the transformation of the state government through donations from the super wealthy. The event begins at p. The meeting begins at p. The program begins at 7 p. Judge Richard Hightower to speak at Feb.
A fifth-generation attorney, Judge Hightower has been licensed for 40 years and worked in small and large counties. He is the sole Democratic candidate running for state representative from House District While state rules prohibit our PAC from endorsing formally a candidate for federal office, many of our members individually support President Joe Biden.
Texas Railroad Commissioner - Bill Burch. Court of Criminal Appeals, Pl. Texas State Rep. District - Doug Peterson. Harris County Attorney - Christian D. Harris County Sheriff - Ed Gonzalez. Harris County Constable, Pct.