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To browse Academia. Andrei Mocanu. Timothy John Simodlan. Bob Jessop. Restructuring and reorienting socialist economies is an integral but also deeply problematic aspect of their post-socialist transformation. There are no pure market economies nor could there be. Post-socialist economies require an effective mode of governance. The social embeddedness, social regulation, and overdetermination of the "economy" are not passive, context-setting factors but are actively inscribed within its routine operation.
This article explores four major problem-complexes that affect economic restructuring in post-socialist conditions and consders them in relation to the former Comecon countries in terms of ther integration into supranational regional economic blocs, cross-border cooperation, and local economic strategies.
Lely Luengas. Mohd Aziz Jumberi. Roberto Blanco Martinez. Ahmad Reza. Fillipe Souza Pessoa. Alejandro Starosielski. Rodrigo Diaz. Bernard Cadiou. Ian Clark.
Veraldo Liesenberg. Amauri Oliveira. Jeffrey Probstfield. Ersi Ioannidou. Jeffrey Sachs. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer.