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Edition: Available editions Europe. Become an author Sign up as a reader Sign in. Experience —present. Guest Lecturer, Monash University. Research fellow, La Trobe University. Research officer, La Trobe University. Assistant lecturer, Monash University. Teaching Associate, Monash University. Research assistant, Monash University.
Research Assistant, Carleton University. Mental health and identity adjustment in older lesbian and gay adults: Assessing the role of whether their parents knew about their sexual orientation, Aging and Mental Health.
Experiences and perceptions of residential and in-home care services among older lesbian women and gay men in Australia, Health and Social Care in the Community.
Rethinking masculinity studies: Feminism, masculinity, and poststructural accounts of agency and emotional reflexivity, Journal of Men's Studies. Recent versus lifetime experiences of discrimination and the mental and physical health of older lesbian women and gay men, Ageing and Society. Demographic and psychosocial predictors of housing security in older lesbian and gay Australians, The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. Resolving ethical challenges when researching with minority and vulnerable populations: LGBTIQ victims of violence, harassment and bullying, Research Ethics.