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The Host Club General Ambiguously Bi : Invoked as part of their duties; the female guests need to feel like they have a chance to be loved by the hosts, but the hosts also know that they get more attention through Homoerotic Subtext. The Beautiful Elite : Their presence, understandably, turns quite a few heads in-universe. This was the point of the club. Chick Magnets : Their customers are the entire female population of Ouran. Costume Porn : Furthered by the fact that Hikaru and Kaoru's mom actually is a fashion designer.
Fiction : With the exception of Haruhi, who's a Penny Among Diamonds , each club member is stinking rich. Host Club : The club itself is a PG-rated version of real host clubs, with its members providing refreshments, flattery and entertainment for the school's female students. The Incomparable Bliss of Low Cuisine : The obscenely wealthy hosts are absolutely fascinated by the convenience of Haruhi's instant coffee.
Although it's mere "commoner food" in their eyes, the hosts love it enough to make it the official drink of the host club. Fanservice : The point of the club is for the most handsome boys at Ouran entertaining the school's female population. Sharp-Dressed Man : The Ouran high school boys' uniform is a rather stylish suit, and they wear other types of formal wear for special events.
Something about a Rose : Tamaki is the most frequent, but the whole club frequently employs rose motifs. Spoiled Sweet : All the men in the club are extremely well off. That said, occasional instance aside, they're all pretty decent dudes considering. Trademark Favorite Food : All the rich members are fascinated by Instant Coffee, considering it a brilliant invention.