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To browse Academia. Eco De Geus. Alejandro Lomniczi , Claudio Mastronardi. Dan Larhammar. Craig Harrison. Gregory Ball. Patrick Chappell , Nicole Sleiter. Raju Prasad Sharma , vikas kumar. Endocrine disruptor compounds EDCs are environment chemicals that cause harmful effects through multiple mechanisms, interfering with hormone system resulting in alteration of homeostasis, reproduction and developmental effect.
Many of these EDCs have concurrent exposure with crosstalk and common mechanisms which may lead to dynamic interactions. To carry out risk assessment of EDCs' mixture, it is important to know the detailed toxic pathway, crosstalk of receptor and other factors like critical window of exposure. To show the impact of EDCs on life stage development, a case study on female fertility affecting germ cell is illustrated. Based on this summarized discussion, major groups of EDCs are classified based on their target organ, mode of action and potential risk.
Finally, a conceptual model of pharmacodynamic interaction is proposed to integrate the crosstalk and common mechanisms that modulate estrogen into the predictive mixture dosimetry model with dynamic interaction of mixture. James Ireland. The ability of ovarian follicles to produce large amounts of estradiol is a hallmark of follicle health status.
Estradiol producing capacity is lost in ovarian follicles before morphological signs of atresia. A prominent wave like pattern of growth of antral follicles is characteristic of monotocous species such as cattle, horses and humans. While our knowledge of the role of pituitary gonadotropins in support of antral follicle growth and development is well established, the intrinsic factors that suppress estradiol production and may help promote atresia during follicular waves are not well understood.