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To browse Academia. Andre Laliberte. Buddhists constitute a majority of the population in peninsular Southeast Asia, but the largest concentration of Buddhists lives in East Asia. The delay between the times the Buddha gave his teachings and they were transcribed in written form and the adoption of the latter through centuries in countries with vastly different cultures hampered the development of a unified Buddhist political thought.
Buddhism has expanded out of its country of origin, India, where it has almost disappeared but remains an important source of soft power. The Mahayana school has spread to China, where it has developed an eschatology that has inspired rebellions through history. The Theravada school has spread to Southeast Asia and has provided a source of legitimation for many rulers.
The colonial era brought a key change, as lay Buddhists and monastics inspired many nationalist movements. In countries of the Theravada tradition, monastics play an important role in politics, whereas in countries where the Mahayana school prevails lay associations mobilize Buddhists. Very few Buddhist political parties have emerged and only in Japan has one endured in a coalition government. Sebastian , Shahnaj Husne Jahan. Tansen Sen. Arlo Griffiths. Sarah Magnatta. Joerg Baten.
Yidi Wu. Our theme is official classification in Communist China. Revolutionary regimes, by definition, reclassify people, things, and events to promote their own vision and division of society and, more broadly, the world order. This, in turn, requires the regimes to construct arguments, develop procedures, train classifiers, overcome resistance and resolve other contradictions, among other things. We investigate the rationales and techniques that the Chinese Communists used to classify and reclassify people and objects at critical junctures in the Mao era.