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In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Identifying brain alterations that contribute to suicidal thoughts and behaviors STBs are important to develop more targeted and effective strategies to prevent suicide. In the last decade, and especially in the last 5 years, there has been exponential growth in the number of neuroimaging studies reporting structural and functional brain circuitry correlates of STBs. Within this narrative review, we conducted a comprehensive review of neuroimaging studies of STBs published to date and summarize the progress achieved on elucidating neurobiological substrates of STBs, with a focus on converging findings across studies.
We review neuroimaging evidence across differing mental disorders for structural, functional, and molecular alterations in association with STBs, which converges particularly in regions of brain systems that subserve emotion and impulse regulation including the ventral prefrontal cortex VPFC and dorsal PFC DPFC , insula and their mesial temporal, striatal and posterior connection sites, as well as in the connections between these brain areas.
The reviewed literature suggests that impairments in medial and lateral VPFC regions and their connections may be important in the excessive negative and blunted positive internal states that can stimulate suicidal ideation, and that impairments in a DPFC and inferior frontal gyrus IFG system may be important in suicide attempt behaviors.