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To browse Academia. This paper gives information about Lord Byron George Gordon and his family ancestry, as well as his being an Inner-Circle member, with Inner-Circle friends.
The purpose of this paper is to further and better educate people to the true nature of history and of those who wrote literature and history. The aim is that by more people knowing of the Inner-Circle and its existence that they will be better able to understand it and benefit from the knowledge of what they left us.
With this knowledge, we hold the key to knowing what the past was actually like; and once knowing that, we can better know what to do in terms of our future. Richard Lansdown. Lord Byron, despite his writing being quite classical, is considered one of the most important Romantic poets, along with William Wordsworth and Samuel L.
His works, however, differ in many aspects with the thematic that Wordsworth and Coleridge focused on in their poems, making himself distinct and easily recognized. Besides being famous for his longer, epic and nowadays canonical works, such as Manfred, Childe Harlod's Pilgrimage or Don Juan, he also earned his fame with his good looks, character and controversial life.