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Fountainhead - -? Tr-m I? According to a memorandum released January 14, by Cliff Moore, Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs, State Personnel Act employees who follow procedures may attend professional meetings during work hours without deducting annual leave. The employees are also eligible for reimbursement of money according to the availability of funds within the department and the use of a state vehicle to attend the meeting.
The conditions which must be met are as follows: ttie employee must submit to the department head, or administrator of the unit, a written request to attend the professional meeting. The request must give information naming the sponsor of th meeting, date and location of the meeting, which must be sponsored by a bona fide professional organization, whether the employee is a member of the organization, time the employe3 will be absent from work, purpose of the meeting and how the employee's attendance will benefit the University.
Time off to attend the meetings can be taken only at the convenience of the employee's work as determined by the department head.
If the request is approved by the department head or administrator, it is forwarded to Melvin Buck, director of personnel, for further authorization and review. In an interview with Hankins. Many of the office personnel at ECU don't realize that asking for the time off is not reaiiy as bad as it seems said Hankins. Anything over the figure is the person's responsibility.