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To browse Academia. International Research Journal Commerce arts science. The first half of the 19th century was the era of devastating changes in the physical environment of rural areas of India. Pre- colonial states never tried to demarcate clearly the sources from the forests or pastoral lands and from that of agriculture. The Company Raj first redefined Indian forest as separate from the agricultural plains before launching a major onslaught on forests and its peaceful people.
Large scale deforestation not only resulted in climatic changes but led to the disruption of tribal lands and the rude intrusion of money in the tribal economies. The company with the assistance of Indian money lenders, merchants and neo —zamindars, subdued newly redefined internal tribal frontiers of India. The attack on forests was followed by an invasion on the nomadic-pastoral economy of the tribes leaving them in landlessness, low-wages and bonded labour.
This changing market economy of the forest provoked the tribal insurrections in these areas and their migration to plain agricultural lands. The Santal insurrection of which is also well known as Hool Uprising. Fouad Mami. Ronald Herring. Susanta Bag. Sanghamitra Misra. In the closing decades of the eighteenth and in the early decades of the nineteenth century, peasant insurrection was endemic to the northeastern borders of Bengal, including the submontane region of Gird Garrow, a characteristic shared with the contiguous Garo Hills.
Locating these conditions of insurrection within changes in the order of the regional economy under the Company's rule, the article elucidates the economic rationale of 'primitive violence' and reflects on the processes generated by the state itself in the course of subjugation of the Garo peasants in the region.