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In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. Educated at Cambridge University and the LSE, he is a specialist in modern Russian politics and security and transnational organized crime.
Yes, yes, he certainly does, as you will see. But this bio is extremely modest, albeit he most likely wrote it himself. The blog is still active, although he seems mostly to use it now to advertise podcasts and sell books. Always has been, really; either as a student or an educator. He also speaks with confidence on the details of military affairs and equipment…despite never having been in the military or studied engineering; his education has pretty much all been in history, law or political science.
I know what you will say — many of the greatest reference works on pivotal battles, overall military campaigns and affairs were written by those who had no personal military experience themselves. It won him the Wolfson prize for History for , a well-deserved honour.
Yet so far as I could make out, Mr. He most certainly was not a witness to the subject military campaign. So it is perfectly possible for an inquisitive mind with no military experience to put together an excellent reference on military happenings which already took place, even if the owner of that mind was not present for the actual event.