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Tell a joke to an Englishman, and he will understand it, but won't show it. Tell a joke to a Japanese, and he will understand it his own way. Tell a joke to a Russian, and he will tell you that he knows three more versions of that joke that are much better. Like the British , Russians pride themselves on possessing a well-developed and all-encompassing sense of humour. Almost every print publication will have at least a few jokes in it, up to and including the TV guide.
Russian humour comes mostly in the form of "anecdotes" anekdoty - joke stories with a punchline. Typical of Russian joke culture is a series of categories with fixed and highly familiar settings and characters. Surprising effects are achieved by an endless variety of plots and plays on words.
Since the advent of the Internet and especially Web 2. They enjoyed steady popularity throughout the Russian history, but only the Net made it easy to collect them in bulk. Not to be confused with the Russian Reversal. A chastushka is a traditional Ukrainian or Russian poem often sung or recited. The content of the chastushki plural , and the popularity of what topic was most prominently sung about, would vary from region to region. Menya milyj ne tseluet, Govorit potom, potom, Ya prishla, a on na pechke Repetiruet s kotom.
Translation : My darling never kisses me, he's always saying "later, later". Once I came home and he's on the oven, practicing with the cat. Ovens in traditional Slavic homes are waist-height, made of clay or brick, and large enough to sit or even lay on. Before electricity, peasants would sleep on them during winter to keep warm.