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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Mamluk Studies Review Vol. IX, No. It appears in January and July. ISSN X. All rights reserved. Holt, Ann K. Richard T. Mortel, 17— The Muslim World 72, nos. Denny, 83— Nelly Hanna. The Muslim World 76, no. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, Montgomery Watt. Adams, edited by Wael B. Hallaq and Donald P. Die Welt des Islams 33 : — Center, by Carl W. The Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden: E. Brill, Jaroslav Stetkevych.
Century Jerusalem. Petry, — David Ayalon. University of Chicago 7—8 May, Ahasver von Brandt, Werkzeug des Historikers, 15th ed.
Stuttgart, , 52, cited in Klaus U. Damascus, , — Turkish inscriptions, published or unpublished, up till A. This statement is based on the surviving evidence, but is a non sequitur. Chevallier Paris, , 9—15; Humphreys, Islamic History, 40—49, —72, —21, — Paulina B. Donald S. Richards, Bibliotheca Islamica, no. Presented to R.
Smail, ed. Vermeulen and D. Deutscher Orientalistentag, ed. Baybars A. Cairo, —20, repr. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Auslandskunde, vol.