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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. PetrovaCover Design: L. International representatives involved experts from governmental and nongovernmentalorganizations in nuclear and alternative energy sources and nuclearnonproliferation, members of the G8 Global Partnership governments. The presentations at this conference provide an assessment of the key risks ofcivil nuclear facilities and the military facilities that have been phased out includingnuclear submarines and radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management.
Meanwhile, the limitations of the energyresources used are becoming ever more palpable. The increased use of oil and gas alsoruns counter to the Kyoto Protocol.
The unresolved problem of nuclear waste has made it difficult for nuclear energyto garner broad public acceptance, and there is a need to create a new type of fuel cycle. There are many proposals for alternative energy resources, but none of them can generateenergy on the massive scale required, at the moment.
The end of the Cold War put an end to the fifty-year arms race and stamped outthe threat of a massive nuclear conflict. The ghost of thousands of nuclear warheadscrushing out civilization has been supplanted by the belief that a new era of a multipolarworld is upon us.