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Beyond a dictionary entry, there's even a Wikipedia page for nice guys now. He called me the next day to casually ask me out to the new Hunger Games movie. I got an STD screening the next week; he harassed me at work for another six months. Who says that?! I use hearing aids now, but they only boost what small capacity I have to hear. My main form of communication is lip reading and British Sign Language. I have to remember grammatical rules without much of an auditory prompt. When people naturally pause in speech, my brain is still trying to catch up with that lip shape, so commas and things are curious, little additions to me.
I do try, though. As for him, I think he was a deeply competitive person, more so than I realized. It was hidden from me for a year because he didn't regard me in any way as competition.
He was only doing the art classes for his university qualification. Suddenly, when he failed, and I, of all people, passed, I instantly went from a disabled, passive girlfriend who was no threat to his self-esteem to this exam 'winner' and threat. Anyway, it taught me something about how deceptive people can be, a bit about attitudes toward disability, and a bit about relationships.
He went off to university. Of course, it wasn't his first choice of university, but then, he didn't have the grades for that. For example, he once pointed to a cartoon on a cereal box on my desk and said, 'Hey, it looks like we're both into anime! At first, I'd try to be friendly. Then, he escalated. He asked things like, 'Does your boyfriend come to take you out to lunch every week?