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To browse Academia. This work, "The development of the Soviet Economy" gives, in accordance with Stalin's periodization of the history of the CPSU b , a picture of the development of the Soviet economy.
It is a manual for teachers of political economy, Marxism-Leninism, the history of the national economy of the USSR, for graduate students in economics, students of socio-economic universities and party and Soviet activists. Erdogan Ahmet. This electronic publication is intended to fill this gap.
From the Soviet Archives; Letter from V. Transcripts and other documents from the Soviet Archives. Olga Velikanova. Natalia Kovalyova. Upon its adoption in December , Soviet leaders hailed the new so-called Stalin Constitution as the most democratic in the world.
Scholars have long scoffed at this claim, noting that the mass repression of that followed rendered it a hollow document.