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The ombudsman stated that her office receives many appeals from girls complaining about domestic violence, and its review has revealed facts about forced early marriages. According to the Institute, such egregious facts are not isolated in Kyrgyzstan, and there is a need for the government to take measures to prevent them.
In the past, human rights activists have repeatedly stated that the police are reluctant to consider cases of domestic violence, because the spouses very often reconcile, and the victim withdraws her statement.
As a result, law enforcement officials often try to dissuade victims from filing a formal complaint. The situation is similar regarding the practice of bride kidnapping. However, under public pressure, in the Kyrgyz authorities toughened the punishment for kidnapping girls in order to marry them. According to the criminal code, this offense now carries a prison sentence of 5 to 10 years. In this regard, we have no opportunity to ensure the protection in court of the rights of children who have been abused.
According to Bigio, her office also supports the efforts of the Kyrgyz ombudsman to become a bridge between civil society and the authorities. Traditionally whisked away on horseback, or these days more often stuffed into the back of a car by the prospective groom, future in-laws then try to calm the girl and coax her into putting on the jooluk , the white wedding shawl of submission.