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Let us begin by introducing you to your soul. Souls are the attractive force in the universe. Souls are like spiritual gravity. If it was up to soul then All that ever is or was would be united. Ego is the repellant force. Ego is the one that pushes things away. Ego creates separateness just as soul creates unity. Egos approve or disapprove, they rank right over wrong, good over bad, and me over you. Egos judge. Your soul allows. It always approves, it always accepts. Egos think and emote, souls feel and connect.
She is trapped by her ego. A few months later the same woman could then be functioning from a soulful place. Without the noisy intrusions of her ego she feels whole. Her alone-time feels rich and peaceful. Rather than attack herself, she nurtures her deepest self. And because she gives herself this peaceful time, she can sense that tomorrow she will feel like reconnecting with the outside world again, and so she finds herself motivated and inspired to make contact with others to arrange more connections.
The point this week will be to explain in detail as to why the second woman should be seen as being at peace while the first woman should been seen as terribly violent. Our first step in doing this will be for you to become more aware of your violent behaviour. You and a friend are in a book club. You meet to discuss your latest book. They say they loved it and you hated it. Same situation.
I want to expand my perspectives so that next time I could draw more value from a work like this. That person is nonviolent. Kudos if you do both. This exercise will do wonders for your awareness and it will ask you to use the vision of your soul and not the filters of your ego.