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Mainpage : Workplace Mobbing in Academe. Westhues Homepage. The links below, like the article at right, concern mobbing in general, not just in academic workplaces:. Information-packed resource. World's largest resource on workplace bullying. Leymann's Mobbing Encyclopedia. Political psychology. Sham Peer Review in Medicine. Privacy officers and mobbing. Films about ganging up. Shallcross: Public-sector mobbing in Australia.
Published on the web, January In the early s, a Swedish psychologist named Heinz Leymann identified a grave threat to health and safety in what appear to be the healthiest, safest workplaces in the world. Untranslated, the English name he gave it entered the vocabulary of workplace relations throughout Scandinavia and in Germany, Italy, and other countries. All across Europe, not only specialists in occupational health but managers, union leaders, and the public at large came to recognize workplace mobbing as a real, measurable kind of harm, a destroyer of health and life.
Newsweek published a popular summary of research on workplace mobbing in , but only in its European edition. In Britain and America, attention has focussed less on mobbing than on the different but related problem of bullying, and, occasionally, on one of its extremely rare possible results: the outbursts of extreme violence, that from time to time make headlines across the country.
Workplace mobbing was almost never discussed in Canada until the coroner's inquest following the murder of four workers at OC Transpo in Ottawa in In that case, a former employee, Pierre Lebrun, had ended the shooting spree by also taking his own life. It turned out that Lebrun had been ridiculed relentlessly by co-workers for his stutter, and then, after he had slapped one of them in retaliation, been forced to apologize to his tormentors.