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This study completed in explains Turkic substrate in English and German Languages. BC 10 N. Mesopotamian Subar area in 9th-8th cc. BC 10 General 10 Table 1. General 31 2. Morphology 38 3. Verbs 39 4. Adjectives 6. Other Chuvash-German lexicon Table 5. Internet: www. Account: Postbank rek. It is supported by many in the form of voluntary work and gifts. We kindly appreciate your gifts. Box , HE, Den Haag, Holland Individual authors are responsible for facts included and views expressed in their articles.
Language abbreviations Alb. Albanian Fr. French Lett. Lettish Rum. Rumanian Ang. Anglian Fris. Frisian Lith. Lithuanian Rus. Russian Anglo-Sax. Anglo-Saxon Gael. Gaelic Lat. Latin Sax. Saxon Av. Avesta Gaul. Gaulic Luz. Luzian Scand. Scandinavia Az. Azeri Gk. Greek M Middle Serb. Serbian Balt. Baltic Gmc. Sanskrit Beng. Bengal Grm. Slavic Blr. Byelorussian Goth. Slovenian Boh. Bohemian Gujr. Gujrat Mod. Slovak Bosn. Bosnian Hebr. Hebrew Mong.
Mongol Sp. Spanish Bulg. Bulgarian Slavic Hitt. Hittite N North Sum. Sumerian Cat. Catalonian Hu. Hungarian Norw. Norwegian Sw.
Swedish Ch. Chinese Icl. Icelandic O Old Tat. Tatar Chuv. Cimbrian Ir. Turkish Croat. Croatian It. Turkmen Dag. Dagur Khak. Tuvinian Dan. Danish Khal. Khalka Mongol P Proto- Ukr. Ukrainian Du Dutch Kirg. Kirgiz Pers. Persian V vulgar Eng. English Kor. Korean Phryg. Phrygian W West Est. Estonian L Late Pol. Polish Yak. Sakha Fin. Finnish Latv. Latvian Pruss. Prussian Flem. Flemish Summary Archeological and genetic works demonstrated migrations, amalgamations, and replacement of populations in the Western Europe, where the Germanic branch of the Indo-European IE languages occupies a prominent place.