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If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link. Sexually active teens are most at risk of developing the chronic condition, with young women more apt to be infected than young men. The good news is that over the past decade, heightened awareness of STDs in general has resulted in the number of cases of genital herpes steadily dropping worldwide.
Sexual intercourse and oral sex are the most common methods of spreading genital herpes. Any type of skin-to-skin contact, however, is capable of spreading herpes. Sexual contact includes kissing, oral-genital contact, and the use of sexual "toys," such as vibrators. STDs probably have been around for thousands of years, but the most dangerous of these conditions, infection with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV , was only recognized in recent decades.
If rash evolves, skin should be covered and contact with immunocompromised adults in household restricted. Varicella Zoster virus is one of the few viruses for which we have a safe effective drug available. Aciclovir and other drugs in that group are somewhat effective in attenuating the disease.
Most people with intact immune systems recover completely from shingles although recurrences are possible. Most people recover without complications. Unfortunately, some people have permanent visual damage and continue to have pain for years. Facial paralysis can result in weakened or slurred speach. Individuals may be accommodated with communication aids , typing information into the computer and using speech output screen reading software , and voice amplification. Facial paralysis may be temporary or permanent.